Differential Expression

Find differentially expressed genes between custom group of cells across the CELLxGENE data corpus. For additional help and information, read our documentation.

This tool uses Welch's t-test to identify differentially expressed genes between groups of cells in the CELLxGENE Census. We recommend using this tool for preliminary investigations and following up with more robust methods for formal analysis. Learn more about data filtering and normalization here.

Overlap Behavior
Cell Group 1
0 cells
Cell Group 2
0 cells
  1. Select a cell group of interest within the Cell Group 1 box by using the dropdown selectors. All categories are optional, but at least one selection must be made to run the tool. To copy the same selection over to Cell Group 2, click the copy button to the right of each dropdown in Cell Group 1.
  2. Within Cell Group 2, select a group that the cell group of interest will be compared to.